Uncle Den - The Pied Piper

Created by Jill 7 years ago
So many memories from years gone by of the most awesome uncle you could wish for. He was like the pied piper with all of us kids. We all adored him and followed him round just waiting for the fun to unfold.
My sheepskin panda
Pinching my chips or was it the other way round?? ;)
Taking Mike and I swimming
Taking us skating
Bringing his new girlfriend Angie to meet us at Nanny Tom's house. We LOVED her from the start!
Cuddles on his lap if he popped in on his lunch break to see nanny Tom
Taking us to London to see the Christmas lights.
Letting me stay in the holidays with my friend Gaynor when we were in our teens and giving us our first taste of Irish coffee and letting us Sunbathe on the garage flat roof where he'd rigged up a comfy mattress for us to lie on.
Then as the years passed he became Great Uncle Den when Kate and Pats arrived in the early 80s. He still kept sharing his love, his great sense of humour and his time giving them wonderful memories of their own. Some years later came Michael and Maisie who only met him the once but even now remember the time they went to visit Uncle Den on the Island and how he coaxed them round to play even though they were soooo shy!
RIP Den you were one in a million. Love Jill xxx